Like you, we are monitoring the latest news about the Coronavirus. That’s why we are doing all we can to make sure our services and support are online and responding promptly to training, questions and support requests. You can count on us at times like this, especially if you need our help.

We also want you to have confidence that your online presence is in good hands. In accordance with official recommendations, all Virtual Results team members are working remotely and we are maintaining normal business hours. We understand that now more than ever sellers/buyers demand extremely high quality online resources from agents. As always, if you need help, training or support please reach out immediately to

In addition we’ve announced a no-cost advertising program designed to boost your online visibility during this time period of unprecedented online traffic. As always, our goal is to support your business. We are also collecting real estate resources, tips and best practises in order to keep you informed. And we are continuing our monthly online marketing training so that agents and their staff members can continue their marketing education online.

Thank you for your trust,

Ryan Rockwood

Virtual Results President