Virtual Results’ former President Jim Marks passed away March 5, 2020. His impact in the real estate social media, marketing and website landscape is well known – and rightly so. He was famous for his contagious passion for innovation, agents and Virtual Results.
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Jim Marks was also a deeply good and kind person. He was fiercely devoted and loyal to his clients, friends and employees. In conversation, when mentioning his wife, Jim spoke in reverential tones. Jim was fearless despite acute awareness of his own shortcomings. Jim was complex, contradictory, demanding, resilient, and a lot of fun.
Jim Marks had a superpower for seeing the best in you, telling you about it and then hanging back – maybe smiling – as you blossomed into a better version of yourself, in order not to disappoint. Many people are better people today because Jim Marks said they could be.
Jim and I met and became business partners over 10 years ago. Jim saw the best in me. I moved mountains endeavoring to prove him correct. The work required was often grueling. The effort doesn’t end despite his passing, and that strikes me a gift.
Two years ago, Jim made the difficult decision to step away from Virtual Results, based on his health. But he left the firm in a position of great strength. Virtual Results has thrived. As important, we haven’t waivered in our commitment to the values that were so important to Jim and now make up our core values. It’s a small part of Jim’s legacy we’re honored to carry.
In gratitude,
Ryan Rockwood
Virtual Results President
Cover photo: Jim Marks as Batman and the Virtual Results team rendered as superheros for an earlier version of
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