You know that email is an essential component of your real estate marketing strategy. You’ve built your list and you’re sending out newsletters. Maybe you’ve discovered that it’s an excellent way to keep your leads engaged until they’re ready to buy or sell. But do you know how to really maximize this important resource? Let’s discuss some of the strategic decisions you need to make in order to boost your newsletter’s success.
Understand your targets
You know your target market better than anyone else. Your email newsletter needs to speak directly to them. Are you sending to first-time homebuyers, empty nesters, or investors? Is your newsletter targeting buyers, sellers, or former clients? Your newsletters do not need to be one-size-fits-all. In fact, the more you can create specific messaging and send targeted emails to segments of your list, the more likely you are to see a return on your investment.
Craft a great subject line
You only need to look as far as your own inbox to know how important a good subject line is. How often do you delete a marketing email without opening it simply because the subject line is boring? You don’t want that to happen with your newsletters. Subject lines need to capture the reader’s attention and offer them something of value. Take it a step further and personalize it to really catch the recipient’s attention. You also want to consider the length, so that it can be read in its entirety on a mobile device.
Use compelling content
Email newsletters are more than just sales pitches. In fact, if you try to sell your readers too hard, it’s likely your message will end up in the trash folder. Instead, your newsletter should contain a variety of helpful information. This could include links to blog posts, real estate tips and advice, information about local resources and attractions, market statistics, infographics – you get the idea. Provide content that gives your readers the opportunity to engage.
Include a call to action
Though you don’t want to sell too hard, you still need a strong call to action (CTA) in your newsletter. What do you want your readers to do? Do you want them to find out what their home is worth? Do you want them to click through and see your latest listings? Are you hoping they’ll share your newsletter with friends and family? Be clear and use a strong CTA button, graphic, or message.
Measure your success
Finally, it’s important to measure the success of your email campaigns so that you know what’s working and what isn’t. Experiment with different headlines and calls to action. Test everything. Make changes based on the information you gather so that you’re continually improving your newsletter.
Take it to the next level
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Do you want to learn more about building a successful email marketing strategy? Then join Virtual Results for our complimentary one-hour webinars on November 13 and 15 at noon ET/9am PT. There is no obligation – we simply want to share this valuable information with you. Click here to register now!